Royal College of General Practitioners Has Issued a Position Statement Expressing Alarm About Treatments of Children With Gender Dysphoria


The Royal College of General Practitioners, described as “highly influential” in this Daily Mail article, has issued a position statement warning about the lack of evidence of safety of current protocols used to treat trans-identified minors, whose numbers are increasing drastically.

Here are some quotes from the article “GPs risk causing transgender storm after issuing unprecedented warning over 'lack of evidence' on treatments that pave way for children to have a sex change”:

And it says there needs to be far more research into the pros and cons of treatment, including medical intervention being compared with a 'wait and see' approach…

And it says there needs to be far more research into the pros and cons of treatment, including medical intervention being compared with a 'wait and see' approach…

Last night, doctors said it was the first time a major UK medical institution had called into serious question how transgender patients are treated on the NHS…

The number of 13-year-olds seeking treatment at England's only child gender identity clinic has risen by 30 per cent in just one year, while referrals for 14-year-olds are up 25 per cent, recently released figures show.

For the first time, most patients are under 15.

Equally significantly, girls wanting to transition to being male dominate, making up 74 per cent of patients at the Tavistock Clinic in London.

The original policy statement can be found on the website.

More information on the increasing numbers of females identifying as trans can be found on our website here.

Statements that indicate clinicians themselves acknowledge they are experimenting on minors can be found here.


Adams, S. (2019, July 16). GPs risk causing transgender storm after issuing unprecedented warning over 'lack of evidence' on treatments that pave way for children to have a sex change. Daily Mail. Retrieved from

Royal College of General Practitioners. (2019, June). The role of the GP in caring for gender-questioning and transgender patients. Retrieved from