Letter Sent To Australian Pediatrician Who Acquiesces to Pressure From the Trans Lobby to Disregard Risks of Pediatric Transition for Gender Dysphoria

Gender Health Query


Out in Perth- Dr Suzanne Packer apologises for upset caused by trans debate

by Justine Deterling Kreher

In another incidence reflecting a pattern of intimidation and censorship to any discussion about minors who could be hurt by the pediatric medical gender reassignment movement, a doctor in Australia has recanted comments expressing concern about medically altering minors.

Dr Suzanne Packer, Australian Senior of the Year, has offered an apology for the distress a submission regarding transgender children, that carried her endorsement, has caused for young people experiencing gender dysphoria and their families.

Her apology:

As a paediatrician and child advocate, I care deeply for the wellbeing of all children and their families.

I am extremely sorry for any distress that I have caused to families through my support of Dr Holloway’s article on Gender Transitioning and Responsible Responses.

When I endorsed the article, I wanted to shine a light on the issue to promote additional research and support for children and their families.

I deeply regret that I did not foresee just how devastating it would be for families already dealing with these complex situations. I apologise unreservedly for the distress I have caused.

Supporting all children has been the central tenet of my life’s work in paediatrics and with the other organisations I have been involved with.

My hope is that experts can work together for the best outcomes for these children and their families, however, I will exit from public comment on this complex and sensitive topic.

Through this experience I have come to understand just how hurtful and damaging negative media can be for vulnerable children and their families. I call for the media to consider the wellbeing and vulnerabilities of the children and families when reporting on this issue.

I sent a response to her apology, along with a general announcement about the formation of GHQ, to her university and organization where she serves on the board

“Hello Dr. Packer,

I am writing this to you and the other members of ANU in response to this article about you apologizing to the trans lobby for questioning the safety of the affirmative model in treating gender dysphoric minors. I am a board member of an LGBT organization that functions as a medical and censorship watchdog organization. The site is heavily cited and well researched. There is plenty of evidence these practices will inappropriately transition some cognitively immature minors, especially LGB ones who have their own vulnerabilities as minority populations.

The pressure put on you and the subsequent apology is understandable as trans youth are an at-risk population. But this is part of a highly disturbing pattern of activist extremism intimidating the health professions. Your acquiesces to it is part of an alarming new reality on the part of scientists, who are supposed to support objective research, to fail to discuss the very real and serious risks here in order to protect one viewpoint at the expense of others that are valid.

Please see the thread below which points to many facts that support concern about false positives here is warranted. Part of the reason we created our organization is that we do not trust mental health and medical professionals are doing their job without being controlled by trans activism. The side effects of pediatric transition are severe.

Thank you for your time,

Justine Kreher
GHQ Board Member”


Watson, G. (2019, August 14). Dr Suzanne Packer apologises for upset caused by trans debate. Out in Perth. Retrieved from https://www.outinperth.com/dr-suzanne-packer-apologies-for-upset-cause-by-transgender-debate/

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